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- Ç ëThe Meeting of Melchoth and Prince Trajan Al' Doriak.Ç
- Prince Doriak of Bellin was the only survivor of the
- Battle of the Blue Marches. Captured by the foul troops of
- Melchoth, Doriak was spirited away to the Keep of Melchoth,
- bound in heavy chains, horribly wounded and pained with
- hunger. The prince awoke in a large cavern in front of huge
- fountain of black stone from which a erie green flame
- flickered.
- A shadowy figure appeared, tall, with flowing robes of
- strange style and foul odor. A horrible voice came from the
- spectre. The prince winced at the sound of it, as if his head
- would burst from the next uttered word.
- "I am Melchoth. Look and see me, remember me, and despair"
- the small green flame of the fountain burned with a new
- intensity, illuminating the horrid visage of Melchoth. Prince
- Doriak, weakened and wounded as he was, could scarcely remain
- standing as he looked upon him.
- "I am Melchoth. Look upon my right hand. See it, and
- dispair."
- The flame of the fountain took upon the appearance of a vast
- host. Vanshirae hordes far as the eye could percieve, Oxen-
- headed men inumerable, feasting upon the flesh of fallen
- warriors of Althath, and the tiny riders of beasts swarming
- across the fair lands of Bellin, leaving trails of fire and
- death. Doriak cried out in anguish, staggered and fell to the
- floor, hatred burning in his eyes as he gazed at the vision
- in the flames.
- "I am Melchoth. Look upon my left hand. See it, and dispair."
- The visions swirled and changed. Now appeared the fallen
- troops of Bellin, Veresov and other Althath nations, marching
- southward to the Carrion peaks. All with empty eyes and
- decaying flesh. Leading the unholy host was a great captain
- of the Ox-headed race, with the skulls of a full twoscore
- foes upon his belt and a axe as big a man slung across his
- shoulders.
- At this sight Prince Doriak did despair. If even the dead of
- his and his allies host were raised against them, what hope
- was there?
- Again the voice rang out:
- " I am Melchoth. Look upon my Eyes. See them, and dispair."
- The flames then brought vision of the 4 highest peaks of
- the Blue Ridges. Upon each sat a being without form. Each of
- which held a crystal sphere in unseen hands. With these they
- looked hither and yon upon the Althath lands, into the very
- courts of Bellin, across the seas and into the valleys.
- Nothing remained hidden from thier seeking gazes.
- " I am Melchoth. Look upon my Heart. Know it, and Despair."
- The heart of Melchoth was revealed to Doriak. Conquest and
- destruction of all the Althath lands. Enslavement of it
- peoples and the buildings of vast armadas to cross the seas
- to far off lands.
- " I am Melchoth. Look upon my Strength. Fear it, and
- despair."
- appearing in the flames were a staff, a Book, a sword and a
- chalice.
- "I am Melchoth. I shall conquer. The lands are mine, the
- peoples are mine.
- You alone have seen all my might, you alone have this choice.
- Serve me and live the life of captain in my mighty hosts. Or
- die, and your flesh shall be devoured, your bones ground to
- dust and scattered upon the winds."
- " The sword you have seen, it awaits a mighty captain, a man
- of valor and strength to wield it. I cannot wield it for
- myself, as you, a mortal man, can."
- With a sweep of his had, Doriaks chains fell to the ground.
- "Look upon the flame once more, and see my rewards"
- The prince looked upon the flames. Seeing himself, dressed
- as a King, fed by ladies of great beauty, showered with gold
- and silver and flowers. Nations shook at his name, hosts fell
- to knees and submitted to his will.
- " Wield the blade as my captain, and you shall rule all of
- Althath as my governor."
- A shadowy hand outstretched and offered an ancient rune
- covered blade. The sword writhed and shuddered, outlined with
- the same green flames as the fountain. Doriak, weakened and
- disheartened, limply reached and grasp the sword. Instantly,
- Doriak was strengthed. The sword, pulsing with energy,
- imparted some small part of it to his wounded body.
- A hideous laugh came from Melchoth
- "Ha, now i percieve that you see things in thier proper
- perspective. You shall command my legions and we shall rule
- all of Althath and beyond. Now, come to me, bend your knee to
- me, and make your pledge to me."
- Prince Doriak, strengthened by the foul sword, now stood and
- approached Melchoth. In front of the foul spectre, Doriak
- bent his knee and extended the sword to Melchoth.
- " I, Prince Tarjan Al' Doriak of Bellin, do solemnly swear by
- the powers that be, that from this very moment hence that i
- shall do all that is within my power...."
- Swiftly Doriak rose, lunging forward at the same time,
- thrusting the sword into the body of Melchoth.
- ".... to Avenge my brethern and my people!"
- The sword cut deep into the belly of Mechoth and withdrew,
- covered with red blood. Melchoth shrieked and stepped
- backwards, gesturing wildly with hands and swiftly speaking
- in unknown tongues.
- " Ahhh, so your blood runs red as mine foul one. See ämyÇ fury,
- and despair!"
- Doriak advanced with sword raised high. Melchoth gestured
- once again with hands and pointed to the Prince. Lightning
- lanced outwards, striking him and severing his shield arm,
- and blinding him in his left eye.
- The blow lifted the prince into the air, flinging him to th4e
- foot of the fountain of Flame. the smell of burnt flesh
- filled the air.
- " Fool!, I have offered you the world, power beyond your
- hopes and dreams. Ha!, now I shall destroy you, and add your
- body to my legion of dead!"
- Lifting himself to the edge of the fountain, flesh still
- smoldering , the prince replied.
- "You were the fool, to think you could win my heart. Now, you
- seek to win my body, you shall fail at that too!"
- The prince then lifted himself up, stood, swaying before the
- fountain and laughing, he flung the sword, then himself, into
- the green flames of the fountain......